Orders will be acknowledged via email immediately upon placing an order on our website. If an order acknowledgement is not received please call during normal business hours to confirm the receipt of your order.
Art charges will be assessed according to time, difficulty and amount of materials used at $40.00(X) per hour. Notification will be sent if art charges will apply prior to fulfilling the order.
The quality of your imprint depends upon the quality of artwork supplied to us! All orders requiring artwork must be sent in as Black and White CAMERA READY vector art. Artwork can be submitted via E-Mail or file upload available for each product on our website. To ensure this and avoid delays or art charges please adhere to our specifications.
Acceptable formats: cdr, eps, ai, pdf (vector). Please note: vector art is preferred. It provides the best quality and allows images to be resized without loss of sharpness and detail.
All fonts must be converted to outlines, curves or paths (vector). If supplying image files, fonts need to be rasterized.
We do not accept: gif files, word processing documents such as ms word/power point, photocopies, business cards, letterheads, fax transmissions, etc. (these formats are too low of a quality to ensure you a quality imprint.)
If scanned images are used with artwork, they MUST be sent as a separate file scanned at 600 dpi or higher. (If not actual size, scan at a higher resolution. This will prevent loss of quality.)
E-MAIL ART TO: [email protected]
When sending your artwork via E-Mail it is very important that you include the following information:
Order Number, Name, Phone Number
Orders cancelled during production will be charged for the work completed at the time of cancellation.
Any changes made to an order (by phone) after received must be confirmed in writing, email or by fax.
Note: Changes may delay shipments and charges may apply.
Highest Honor assumes that artwork submitted for reproduction in producing an order, was submitted in full compliance with the laws governing copyright, trademarks, etc. Purchasers, by placing these orders, agree not to hold Highest Honor responsible for any damages, costs and/ or expenses arising under these laws as a consequence of our use of said artwork.
PMS color match is not available. Art will be converted to CMYK and the closest possible color will be used.
Standard Production Time: 3-5 business days AFTER proof approval. Rush production may be available and must be authorized. Additional fees will apply. Next Day Rush – 100% Rush Charge (minimum $30), Two-Day Rush – 50% Rush Charge (minimum $20).
Electronic proofs will be emailed within 2 business days after the order is received. Production begins after receipt of written proof approval. Please review proof for all grammar, spelling, and layout. We are not responsible for any errors made in the layout once approval has been received.
Orders shipped to more than one destination are subject to a charge of $5.00 per location.
Handling Charges of $3 per carton will apply to all orders.
Any claims concerning delayed merchandise must be made directly to the carrier. Once the merchandise is delivered to the carrier, Highest Honor is no longer responsible.
C.O.D. SHIPMENT: Not Available.
All products shipped by Highest Honor, Inc. into the State of California are subject to Proposition 65 (“Prop 65”) or The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. “Prop 65” was created through the ballot initiative process and was intended to protect California citizens and the State’s drinking water from a State determined list of over 850 chemicals that are “known” by the State to cause cancer, reproductive harm, or birth defects. This list and other information regarding “Prop 65” can be accessed at
Prop 65 requires that a “clear and reasonable warning” be provided by a Person/Company in the course of doing business, who manufactures, produces, assembles, processes, handles, distributes, stores, sells, or otherwise transfers a consumer product which he or she knows to contain a chemical known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity to any person to whom the product is sold or transferred.
The lead state agency handling Proposition 65, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA;, has established safe harbor levels which include No Significant Risk Levels (NSRLs) for cancer-causing chemicals and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) for chemicals causing reproductive toxicity for many of the 850 chemicals listed under Proposition 65. Exposure levels and discharges to drinking water sources that are below the safe harbor levels are exempt from the requirements of Proposition 65. A document that provides the status of OEHHA’s adoption or development of NSRLs and MADLs is available below.
For chemicals that do not have published or established safe harbor levels, the burden is on the defendant to establish an appropriate MADL or NSRL, and to show that the exposures in its products do not exceed these levels. For exposures to consumer products, such as promotional items, the level of exposure to the listed chemical is calculated using the reasonably anticipated rate of intake or exposure for average users of the consumer product.
Companies are becoming increasingly vulnerable to lawsuits for Proposition 65 indiscretions. Proposition 65 may be enforced by the California Attorney General, public enforcers such as district attorneys, and private plaintiffs suing in the public interest (after they have first served a 60-day notice of violation on all public prosecutors and no public prosecutor proceeds to enforce the alleged violation). A plaintiff may seek injunctive relief as well as penalties of $2,500 per violation per day. A more general California statute allows most successful plaintiffs to recover their attorneys’ fees as well. It is important to note the very long reach of Proposition 65 liability. One need not be doing business in California to be in the chain of Proposition 65 litigation. Indeed, you could be a New Jersey distributor of products sold to you by a Massachusetts supplier, and your client could be doing business in New York, with no California affiliation. Should one of the items you sold to your client end up in California, you and your supplier and your client could be named as defendants in a Proposition 65 lawsuit, and the venue would be in California. Highest Honor, Inc. is fully committed to providing the highest quality, safest products for our clients and all our products meet applicable federal safety and warning requirements, standards and regulations as enforced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission. While procedures have been established as part of our ongoing Product Safety initiatives throughout our supply chain to insure the purchase and use of raw materials that will meet Prop 65 standards, our efforts have to date been focused on the Third Party testing of our products to insure that they are in compliance with the very stringent regulations set forth by the CPSIA in regards to lead content in substrates and surface coatings of Children’s Products and Toys along with applicable Phthalate content. While lead content has been the focus of litigation in Proposition 65 cases, our current Proposition strategy has been to use our lead testing program to demonstrate that the products that we ship to California meet the Proposition 65 standards for lead.
Because we cannot test every piece of every order that we ship to California for every one of the Proposition 65 listed 850 chemicals, you may continue to have concerns about compliance with Proposition 65. If so, then the safest option is to include a label on each product that may ship to the State of California which we will do free of charge upon request. The label will read as follows and will ensure full compliance with California Proposition 65 requirements:
WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm –
For a plain language version of the Proposition 65 regulations, please visit: